Location weddding : Claud + Julian

So Claud is my best friend, i have known her since year 3 at school. We weren't best friends at first ( isn’t that always the way) but later in our school life we ended up becoming best friends and now someone that I couldn’t imagine not being in my life. So when she asked me to be maid of honour at her Queenstown wedding I was elated. I don’t think she ever asked me to shoot her wedding I think she just always knew that of course I wouldn’t want anyone else to shoot it. I know what you’re thinking how can you shoot a wedding and also be in the bridal party, but as luck would have it her now husbands brother is a fantastic photographer so we kind of worked in a team. I shot the getting ready stuff then he took over at the ceremony and then we both shot the post ceremony shots on the beautiful Jacks point gold course.
Here is the result of what happened that day, so as you can see I am missing any ceremony shots but now you know why! It was an amazing day and every detail was perfect. In fact I now want to have my wedding there too.


  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE your first post on me! (i assume it will be one of many) best photographer in the world! - you should have your wedding there so we get to go back and do it all again!!!!!

  2. Love this!



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